Friday, August 31, 2007

You know what it is

From time to time I like to create these little lists of things that I enjoy. Here's another one for your reading pleasure...

hott boy: Carmine Giovinazzo (his co-star Hill Harper is pretty hott as well)

song: All at Once by the Fray

website: Dave Ramsey (hee.) and this

food: chocolate.

movie: Dead Poet's Society (Chris and I watched this last Friday and I had forgotten how great a movie this is.)

both feet runnin'

Whatcha doin' with a suitcase
Tryin' to hit the ground with both feet runnin'
Aren't you trippin' on your shoelace

You're stealin' away on a sunny day
Well aren't you ashamed at all
Funny but I feel like I'm fallin'
I wanna beg you to stay
You're stealin' away on a sunny day

Why'd you love me in the first place
You were always closer than a brother
I can barely look at your face

I've said my I've said my
I've said my piece
I'm on my
I'm on my
Down on my knees

Whatcha doin' with a suitcase
Whatcha doin' with a suitcase

~Suitcase by OtR

green light

Last night as I was talking to a trusted person about the recent events of my life that have left me a little shaken up, I realized that it’s been two years since I decided that some significant changes needed to be made. Some time of reflection is needed, I think, to see how far I’ve come and to look to see where I’m headed.

Today I looked at my little calendar thing and it says, “Saturn—which spent the last two years making you a better and more competent person, exhorting you to lose inefficient setups—now turns his attention to your creative, financial, and romantic affairs. Ready…steady…go!”

Yes, please.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

rock it on out.

Did someone say FREE?

If you’re looking to satisfy your musical appetite, but are running low on funds I have some great news for you! It isn’t often that you come across such great music for free (and since I’m working my "get-out-of-debt plan" free is looking pretty great).

Here they are…enjoy!

Thursday, August 30th
Over the Rhine @ Rookwood’s Joseph-Beth Booksellers
Get up close and personal with their in-store acoustic set.
If you want to sit down you better get there extra early. Show starts at 7pm

Friday, August 31st
The Times (two other bands are lined up as well)
@ Fountain Square

Catch their show that’s scheduled to start @ 5:30pm
(music til 8:30pm, not sure what order they’ll be playing)

Saturday, September 1st

Enjoy some sunshine with the Kentucky Symphony Orchestra
@ Devou Park

(yes, you crazy Ohioans have to cross the river to get there…but, it’ll be worth it!)

Bring a blanket and soak it all in; music begins @ pm

And, just in case you’re not from this area and have never been to the WEBN fireworks…

Sunday, September 2nd

WEBN Labor Day Fireworks

I’ve lived in this area my entire life, but I can’t imagine a better fireworks show than this annual event. If you’re up for a crowd, some sun (or rain!), and some amazing fireworks then make your way to the River’s edge on Sunday evening.

The first blast is scheduled for 9:05 pm.

Hope to see you around sometime soon. Maybe I'll even join you and enjoy some free entertainment.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

"I got good news and bad news..."

This coming from my three and a half year old nephew. Seriously. How have they grown up so fast? The bad news, according to him, is that he has monsters, "like Scooby Doo" and the good news, well, he kind of started mumbling as he was walking away from me. So, I don't quite know what the "good news" is according to Scott. But, he ended with, "That's all I've got." I thought that was pretty precious. They're like sponges soaking up their surroundings. And, I love them to pieces. I'm soaking up all the love that I can get from them. It's pretty wonderful. That's my good news.

That's all I've got.


Thursday, August 16, 2007

For Your Debt

As mentioned in one of my previous posts my finances have become something I've been trying to work on. Most of it began by my boss sharing his budget spreadsheet (w/o the nubmers, of course) with a group of us here at the office. I'm kind of a nerd when it comes to spreadsheets. I love that you can just input the info. and it spits out the balance and a ton of other info. (if it is built well and if the formulas are working). Not long after that was the craft show at work where I made a good amount of money (really, I broke even if you count all my costs, but that was previous to all this other stuff) and I decided it would be the perfect time to actually start working my budget. Around the same time a good friend of mine let me borrow her Financial Peace University CDs.

I came up with my budget (so, so sad...) and have since come to the conclusion that in order to make a dent on my debt I need to get a part-time job in addition to my full-time one. I've been talking about it for far too long without any action, so last week I applied to one place and tonight I'm applying to another. I've been talking to nearly everyone about Dave Ramsey and his plan. For a few weeks there it was what I constantly thought about. I'm even volunteering for his Cincinnati event that will be held on Sept. 13th.

Fast forward several weeks to yesterday...

I get home from a long, busy, and stressful day at work to find a card on my door that reads, "A Gift From God". Curiousity and excitement are hardly containable as I make my way upstairs. I open the envelope to find a cute little card and inside the card is a $100 bill along with a note. The note is really a bible verse written in very plain print. My mind starts racing, 'who could this be from?' to 'maybe it's from so and so' to 'I've told so many people about this budgeting thing it could be from anyone' to 'obviously they didn't want me to know who it was from'.

So, I sent my thanks to God and the person that carried out the gift remains annonymous. I am humbled. Thank you.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Twenty-five came and went. What a year. I'm on the down-side to thirty. yep, I said thirty.

Lately I've been feeling a bit like I've been riding a merry-go-round ride too long. Lots of things seem out of place or out of balance and even overwhelming. Relationships seem unstable. Finances, while getting better, seem overwhelming. And, the list continues. I was telling someone that I feel like so many things need to be a priority, but I can't handle them ALL being a priority at once. I'm so overwhelmed that all I want is to take a vacation from everything and have everything be back to a familiar and wonderful place when I return.

I realize that Life doesn't work that way. The only way to get to a better place is to go through "it". That's what I'm trying to do, the best way I know how with as much strength and energy as I can muster so I can Live through it and to the other side of it all. it begins, this twenty-sixth year.