Monday, June 25, 2007

awwwww, snap

I ran across a list of "wants" dated 3/19/04 and thought I'd post it here with updates on where things stand right now. It's pretty interesting; or at least I thought so.

here's what I want:

1. to be able to pay all of my bills off and not have to worry every time I open the mailbox. The mailbox is still a bit scary. Finances will be a big focus in the near future.

2. to lose enough weight to be comfortable with it and for it to be healthy weight for me. this will also be a focus in the near future.

3. to purchase my own house (and to choose if I want any roommates). Still a desire, but several things need to happen before this is something I want to tackle. Plus, I’m perfectly happy with my current living arrangements.

4. to have enough money and know how to fix it up the way I want. when it happens I plan to have enough money to make this desire also happen.

5. to magically have an amazing job a week after I get laid off this summer. (mini built in vacation and severence pay) looking back now, I wish I would’ve stuck with this idea of getting a job a week or so after I was laid off. What’s done is done and it all worked out just fine. I have a great job at the sister company of my previous job.

6. to clean out my house (apartment) and simplify my life (stuff). Soon. This NEEDS to happen for my sanity and well being.

7. to have things with my friend J not be weird or uncomfortable. Better.

8. to have better relationships with my family. Immensely better. And healthier in ways that I hadn’t imagined back in 2004.

9. fantastic clothes that suit my style and show impeccable taste. Not too bad and will get better when #2 and #10 begin to happen.

10. no debt. I continue the dream. One day, my friends, one day.

11. to have the time, money, courage, ability to backpack/travel around Europe and a few other choice places for months at a time. Maybe when #10, #2, and #20 happen.

12. a HUGE kitchen in above mentioned house with wonderful appliances (including the cobalt blue Kitchenaid that I adore). Okay, well, I don’t have THE house, but my place is pretty wonderful and has a huge kitchen that I love. And, it is home to my white kitchenaid mixer!

13. fresh flowers, always. Not always, but it has happened often enough to make me happy.

14. no car payment. Yippee! At the moment I have no car payment (knock on wood) and my car seems to be pretty reliable despite its 150,000 miles.

15. to have a garden and have things actually grow without me forgetting to water them. I’ve killed a few flowers and things this spring, but most of the things that I’ve planted are still living and are even thriving.

16. new glasses and/or contacts. New glasses and a few pairs of contacts as of September ‘06

17. for my family and friends to be able to have what they need/want. I can’t be responsible for them. I continue to try my best to help them achieve their needs/wants in ways that I’m able to.

18. the ability and umph to make stuff on my sewing machine instead of whining about not knowing how to change the bobbin. I’m making progress on this. Just this week I have impressed myself by changing the bobbin without instructions or frustration and have sewed a few baby blankets in anticipation of the craft show at work.

19. a dog. I continue to want a dog and will eventually have one, but probably not until I buy a house and am ready to be home every single night to take care of him/her.

20. eventually, a husband that I will adore and who will adore me. I’m pretty sure I would’ve posted about this at least once if this were true. Last week I had some anxiety about this b/c my birthday is right around the corner, but for the most part am okay (and sometimes even happy) that I’m single. There are both advantages and disadvantages to both sides of this coin.

Whew. I want to update/change this list here soon. I'll probably add things like a macro/fisheye lens and world peace or something.


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