Friday, August 31, 2007

green light

Last night as I was talking to a trusted person about the recent events of my life that have left me a little shaken up, I realized that it’s been two years since I decided that some significant changes needed to be made. Some time of reflection is needed, I think, to see how far I’ve come and to look to see where I’m headed.

Today I looked at my little calendar thing and it says, “Saturn—which spent the last two years making you a better and more competent person, exhorting you to lose inefficient setups—now turns his attention to your creative, financial, and romantic affairs. Ready…steady…go!”

Yes, please.


Blogger bradley said...

romantic affairs?!


8/31/2007 9:31 AM  
Blogger dana said...

well, not "affair" that way that word can be used.

I say, bring it on. seriously. :) hee.

8/31/2007 1:51 PM  

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