Thursday, August 16, 2007

For Your Debt

As mentioned in one of my previous posts my finances have become something I've been trying to work on. Most of it began by my boss sharing his budget spreadsheet (w/o the nubmers, of course) with a group of us here at the office. I'm kind of a nerd when it comes to spreadsheets. I love that you can just input the info. and it spits out the balance and a ton of other info. (if it is built well and if the formulas are working). Not long after that was the craft show at work where I made a good amount of money (really, I broke even if you count all my costs, but that was previous to all this other stuff) and I decided it would be the perfect time to actually start working my budget. Around the same time a good friend of mine let me borrow her Financial Peace University CDs.

I came up with my budget (so, so sad...) and have since come to the conclusion that in order to make a dent on my debt I need to get a part-time job in addition to my full-time one. I've been talking about it for far too long without any action, so last week I applied to one place and tonight I'm applying to another. I've been talking to nearly everyone about Dave Ramsey and his plan. For a few weeks there it was what I constantly thought about. I'm even volunteering for his Cincinnati event that will be held on Sept. 13th.

Fast forward several weeks to yesterday...

I get home from a long, busy, and stressful day at work to find a card on my door that reads, "A Gift From God". Curiousity and excitement are hardly containable as I make my way upstairs. I open the envelope to find a cute little card and inside the card is a $100 bill along with a note. The note is really a bible verse written in very plain print. My mind starts racing, 'who could this be from?' to 'maybe it's from so and so' to 'I've told so many people about this budgeting thing it could be from anyone' to 'obviously they didn't want me to know who it was from'.

So, I sent my thanks to God and the person that carried out the gift remains annonymous. I am humbled. Thank you.


Blogger Unknown said...

What a lovely story. Thanks for sharing. I found your blog because I searched for other bloggers with "England" in their profile (it's a new blogger feature).

Anyway, you are welcome to come visit my blog anytime. I have a free contest running at the moment, called "Spotlight the Youth," and not many entries so far. Some fabulous prizes. Closing date is August 31st. So why not send in an entry--and spread the word?

8/17/2007 4:59 PM  

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