Thursday, October 30, 2008


I’m a busy woman, just look at my calendar. The busy-ness is really starting to wear on me. I’m trying to muddle through just a bit longer, at least until I’m debt free. The opportunities to cook come few and far between. Some weeks I’ll only cook once and then I’ll have a weekend day off (a rarity, I tell ya) and do some marathon cooking with three or more dishes (other times it simply is popcorn and pizza or a sandwich). The house is in constant disarray and when I do have a few free moments I tend to completely zone out on the couch while watching bad tv for several hours. The laundry gets done sporadically (when I run out of clean clothes or towels) and the dishes pile up until I can’t stand looking at my counters being completely cluttered. I would be ashamed if anyone saw my place in the state that it is in at the moment.

Anyhow, that was all mostly to say that I really need to cook more often; for my health, my sanity, and my change purse. With inspiration from this chick, I’m going to institute a one-day-a-week crock-pot cooking day. Her goal of cooking something in the crockpot is a bit too intense for me, but I could enjoy an easy meal in the crockpot once a week without much effort added to shopping or searching for recipes. I originally thought about doing it on a specific day every week, but thought that might be a bit too restrictive with my schedule.

Join me. It’ll be fun. And, hopefully yummy.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't guarantee I'll join you with a once a week crock pot experience, but I will join you in the quest to use it more often. But if I don't set a very specific goal for myself, "more often" won't help me realize my goal at all. So I'll say that I will cook a crock pot meal at least twice a month. Maybe eventually I'll move to a more frequent use of The Pot, but for now that is all I can promise since Tobin is the one who is in charge of cleaning out The Pot I can't commit him to such a big weekly task. :o)

10/30/2008 1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't guarantee I'll join you with a once a week crock pot experience, but I will join you in the quest to use it more often. But if I don't set a very specific goal for myself, "more often" won't help me realize my goal at all. So I'll say that I will cook a crock pot meal at least twice a month. Maybe eventually I'll move to a more frequent use of The Pot, but for now that is all I can promise since Tobin is the one who is in charge of cleaning out The Pot I can't commit him to such a big weekly task. :o)

10/30/2008 1:46 PM  
Blogger dana said...

"Maybe eventually I'll move to a more frequent use of The Pot" hee. "the pot" that's funny. now i'm gonna get a bunch of spam about smoking some pot. thanks!

glad you're gonna join me! i'll bug you to make sure you reach your goal. crocking it up will be great for you b/c dinner will be easy-peasy when you get home after a long day of work. plus, you've already got a recipe to try. I didn't realize the plethera (what a weird word) of recipes for crockery out there in the world.

i'm gonna start randomly saying "crockery". :)

10/30/2008 3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be using my crockery tomorrow night for the first time since this challenge commenced. I'm not making your meatball recipe though because I don't have the stuff at home and don't want to go to the store. Instead, I'm making sweet and sour chicken yumminess.

11/05/2008 4:23 PM  

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