Monday, June 09, 2008

how does your garden grow?

My mom has always had a green thumb. She has often taken nearly dead plants and brought them back to thriving and wonderful plants. This is stark contrast to what I do to plants. It isn’t that I can’t grow plants; it’s more that I forget to take care of them after they have begun their little life in my care. I’m making progress, though. This year I decided to grow some herbs and veggies in addition to my ever expanding flower collection. I checked on the little guys the other day and they are growing up. I was afraid that they weren’t getting enough sunlight where I planted them, but it looks like they’re doing just fine…well, except for the poor little cantaloupe plant; it doesn’t look like it’s gonna make it (okay, okay the begonias Tim bought me didn’t make it and neither did the perennial I bought a few weeks ago). Horray for my little garden!


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