Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Flip it UpSiDe DoWn

A few months ago my brother and SIL moved to MN. Julie is doing her post-Doc. work at the Mayo Clinic (I know, how cool is she!). Anyhow, Duane called last night and told me that they were settling in. He doesn’t have a job right now, other than walking a few dogs (plus they have three) a couple times a week. He put an ad in the paper to see if he could generate some more dog walking business, “so I can stay home with the kids.” He briefly paused and I thought he was meaning dogs when he said “kids”. That is until in his next breath he said, “Julie’s pregnant.”

Julie, my wonderful Sister-in-Law, also happens to be known for her lack of motherly desire. She has been known to hold my nieces and nephews (when they were babies) at arm’s length. Though she has warmed up to them in recent years this was an unplanned pregnancy, for sure. I kept thinking (and saying), “I can’t believe she’s (you’re) pregnant.” And “oh my gosh.”

I also must tell you the other thing Julie and I talked about, “Did I tell you that I stopped watching Grey’s?” she says to me. I replied, “No. Why??!!?”

“It turned me into a McMess.” (yes, there was lots of drama on Grey’s last season) I’m totally stealing her “McMess” word. LOVE it.

I still can’t believe they’re going to have a baby. Wow!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well howdy,
This hyar is yore po relashun down in the country. I am 'mazed that I got kin on this hyar talkin machine. I am shore pleased that I figgered out how to get on this contrapshun, now to figger out how to get off! Anyways, mighty good to see yore thoughts seein hows you aint figgered out how to call on that older contrapshun called a phone down here in the country. Take kear of yoself. Yo ant "B'

6/09/2008 7:24 PM  

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