Wednesday, February 04, 2004

It's Wednesday!

Why does "hump day" always make my mind immediately think of sex?

Umm, anyways....
Dad went to court on Monday and apparently things are all worked out now. Big sigh of relief!

In other news, work is going well. I'm still in training which means I ask my co-workers a bajillion (yes that IS a word) questions a day. Today my supervisor gave me the self appraisal form that I have to fill out. Oh, how I dread those. That is almost as bad as updating and recreating my resume. The good side to it is I will soon get a raise! Yipee! That's very good considering I have mucho debt to pay off.

I'm trying to have a more positive attitude and be thankful for the things in my life. (I've been kinda cranky the last few days!) I hope all is well with you!
much love,


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