Wednesday, January 28, 2004

So, if we're being honest...

I would really like to know when love became not enough? All this time I thought if there was love then basically everything else would be secondary, after an authentic relationship in Christ. (Actually, I still believe this to be true) Why is this so difficult for me? I'd really like to just give in to my feelings and be with Tim. I hate feeling like I'm hurting him (or me).

I'm not looking for any advice. I just want a place to vent, and this happens to be the place I choose.

I had an interview today. I have essentially decided that I do not want to work in a call center, unless I absolutely have to. Maybe I'll start a list of jobs that I don't want and see where that gets me. I also received a written statement regarding my severence package. It turns out that I will get 9 weeks of pay (plus benefits) and outplacement services. So, that's good news. I'd be willing to give that up if I could just keep my job. I hate interviewing and looking for a job and everything that goes along with it.

I'm feeling stressed and hurt and lonely. I don't like it one bit. How's that for honesty?


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