Monday, February 02, 2004


Three people ask me about what I plan to do regarding my job and such. "So, are you just gonna move up there?" and "you're moving in June, aren't you?"

Lovely. I'm probably sounding quite upset and depressed about the whole breakup. It isn't my intention. Though, lately it is stressful and difficult to make wise choices when I'm not entirely sure what they are. Honestly, this (my blog) is just about the only place where I can actually be honest and say that this sucks and not have to deal with all the questions from people that don't really care about my life that much to begin with. (that does not mean you...if you're reading this then you are probably a genuine friend that does care and in the same manner I respect your feedback and/or questions)

Lord, I need you in my life. I don't know which way to turn. Please guide me through this indecision and uncertainty. I want to be captivated by your love and sheltered in your care. I want to be overflowing with joy and praise. I want more of you, Lord God. Make yourself evident in my life. Father, help me to be selfless and caring. I seek your will for my life, whatever that ends up being. Please give me strength enough to obey and humility to know the blessings of your love. Father, please give me compassion for those that need you and those that need love in their lives. Please make yourself real to my family and friends and the people in my life.


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