Tuesday, April 12, 2005

nervous and excited

On Saturday I forked over 400 bucks for the deposit on my new place. As soon as I left I started freaking out and getting really anxious about what I had just done. Unanswered questions flooded my mind, causing my heart to race even more. All the 'what ifs' and uncertainty of getting a new place all your own and all the responsibility that comes along for the ride overtook my thoughts the minute I got in the car. It has taken a few days to settle in and more than a few of 'it really is going to be okay' phrases to help me begin to be excited about this new adventure. I am thrilled to be getting a place of my own, thrilled to be able to decorate, and thrilled to be making my own decisions.

And for those of you that love me and enjoy moving large, heavy objects you're in luck! I'm going to try to get the keys May 1st so I can move in right away (May is a super busy month!) so it will be easier to settle in throughout the month of May. I've had my fair share of cleaning til 4 in the morning to ensure a full return of my security deposit. The last time I moved I vowed to never do that again.

So, the Great Apartment Search of 2005 is officially over. Well, I don't have keys in hand...


Once I move in I'll try to take some pictues of my place. I'm super excited! One of the coolest (literally) things is that I will have central air. Did I mention that I hate to be hot? :-)


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