Wednesday, March 23, 2005

dammit, it's almost april...

I know that books are wonderful and for far too long I have not let them be apart of my world nearly enough. It wasn't a resolution really, but my thinking began the beginning of this year of wanting to read at least one book each month. That has yet to happen. I'm glad that I have people in my life that enjoy reading (and are pretty darn smart) to remind me that i'm slacking. I have only finished one book this year thus far. I have a loaned book from Ben about the Civil War, which is another thing that I'd love to learn about. I've started one or two more but I'm ready for something fresh and different. I think that I want something a bit lighter as things in reality seem to be a bit much.

Any suggestions?


Blogger ben said...

read any of the Harry Potter stuff? It's fun

3/24/2005 11:36 AM  
Blogger dana said...

It’s been suggested several times from the same person (no, not you) so I guess I could give it a go. Hmmmm.

3/24/2005 11:41 AM  
Blogger ben said...

Don't force it. Find something you're excited to read and read it. If you make it homework, that's what it'll feel like.

3/24/2005 3:26 PM  

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