Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Look out...I'm grouchy

So, I didn’t get to bed until late. This is fine because I was having a great time with people I love. However, it is not ok when my roommate’s alarm clock goes off five hours later at 5:15. Worse than that is the fact that she isn’t there. The first time I go into her room half awake and push about five buttons to turn the thing off, make my way downstairs since I now have to pee, and then finally back to bed. Apparently my pushing of lots of buttons didn’t do the trick and the constant beeping crept my way again. This time I turned the light on which made me squint and cuss under my breath as I turned the machine off. I really wanted to rip the cord out of the wall. The sad thing is there isn’t one button that says “OFF”, there is a power button and two different “alarm off” buttons. I pushed them all several times desperately hoping for some much needed sleep. I settled back into my nice comfy bed hoping that I would fall back asleep soon so I could salvage the last 50 minutes of sleep until my alarm clock dared to wake me. No such luck. I don’t know what I did differently the final time to make the dreadful beeping stop. Can you blame me, it was 5:30 in the morning! At that point I should have just dragged myself out of bed and got things ready for the day. I could have got to work early and maybe left a bit early so I could take a nap before tonight. I waited until 7:10 to crawl out of bed so I could leave the house by 7:35. I missed breakfast and I didn’t get a chance to pack lunch and I feel like I’m moving in slow motion today. Oh.so.frustrating!

btw, still no luck with the comments. Well, not the way that I want them. If you can't wait until I get 'em fixed then click on the date/time and it will take you to the comments page.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Dana! I'll comment. :-)

2/22/2005 6:06 PM  

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