Monday, February 14, 2005

Here goes:

I have been overweight all of my life, or at least almost all of it. The last several years I have been more interested/motivated in getting fit; some times a lot more motivated than others. There was even a time, almost exactly three years ago, when I was controlling what I was eating and exercising and the result was that I lost about 30 pounds over the course of several months. Since that time my actually doing anything about getting healthy has come and gone in spurts, mostly gone.

I hesitate to even mention what I’ve decided will be the start to the road of a healthier me; but I will anyhow. Oprah. Yep, that’s right, talk show queen Oprah is giving me the motivation (or whatever you wanna call it) to jump start my road to fitness. I am going to follow the “Oprah Boot Camp” for the next 12 weeks. This is probably going to be one of the hardest things that I have ever done and I’m sure will be one of the most rewarding. I chose Wednesday (Ash Wednesday) to begin. I think that this first month will be the most difficult as I will be giving up breads, pastas, sugars, candy, etc. Even though there are some food “rules” (what I’m calling suggestions) I am not calling this a diet because that word has so many negative connotations and because I think that this is much more than what the word diet brings to mind.

Part of me wants to ask you to encourage me and ask me how things are going but there is definitely another part of me that thinks that I’m not able to handle that right now. This is all very much connected to my emotions and self-worth and is very deeply rooted. Hopefully, some day it won’t be such a delicate issue.


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