Wednesday, November 24, 2004


How come I feel like I have lots to share and no time since i'm at the library? It's frustrating.

For all interested peeps, the interview went well. Tho, I won't even hear anything until mid-December. So, I'm back to square one with the hope that Great American will call and give me an early Christmas gift.

Ben and Ruthie find out if they are having a boy or girl today. I think that our whole group is super excited to find out. :-) It's pretty cool.

Interesting conversations about God and church-y stuff lately. I feel like good changes and actual healthy progress is being made in my life.

That's all for now. Happy Thanksgiving to all you wonderful people. Weird...I'm writing like I have an actual audience.

creativity needs to happen in my life soon. I feel the need to "create".



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