Tuesday, October 19, 2004

A journal of my time in Savannah.

I felt as though I could finally take a deep breath. You know, one of those breaths where you almost feel instant peace and comfort to your soul. I needed this. Freedom flooded my being as cool air filled my lungs. It feels good. I feel alive and excited to embrace life.
One of my most favorite things to do is to be under a dark starlit sky. It is made even more spectacular standing next to the dark ocean, listening to the waves crashing on the beach with nothing but darkness embracing you. It is amazingly beautiful and peaceful.
Nothing bring back child-like carefreeness than riding a bike. We took off, all five of us, and by the time we had reached the middle of the first street we were all laughing so hard our sides ached.
I keep thinking that I feel like a kid again, in a good way. I've learned how to find sand dollars, ride a bike again, and am enjoying the simple pleasures of life.
I woke up this morning with a slightly sore throat and I started feeling worse as the day went on. Jenny and I are supposed to drive to Florida to visit her aunt after we leave here. I hope I'm not grumpy and I hope I start to feel better. I'm really starting to miss being at home. We spent all day shopping. Normally, that wouldn't bother me too much but I am totally wiped out right now and am feeling a bit miserable. The time spent here so far has been really good. I've gotten to spend time with my family and with Jenny, people that I know and love but am really thankful to have the chance to get to know them better.
Happy Sweetest Day!
Today was more of a continuation of yesterday except we got up extra early (I was the first up at 5:30 to wake everyone else up) for a trolley tour of Savannah. When Jenny and I first drove through Savannah I realized why my mom loves this city so much. It is absolutely beautiful and charming. It has a way of making you feel relaxed with its lush squares throughout the city.
After the trolley tour we were off for another day of shopping. Again, I still felt miserable. People aren't supposed to get colds on vacation, it's just not right. ;-) Walking up and down River Street is not my idea of fun when my throat hurts, I'm tired, impatient, and feel like I could pass out. We finally made it back to the house and I was in bed, on the last night there) by 10pm. Tomorrow Jenny and I head for Florida and my family heads back home. I'd rather be home, but I know that Jenny wants to visit her aunt and it isn't too far away. I've made her promise I'll be home by Tuesday afternoon.
The morning was a blur with the alarm clock going off every few minutes. My mom, aunt, and grandma left about 430am and I went back to bed for what I thought was only going to be an hour or two. Jenny and I had promised ourselves that we'd get up early at least one morning and go and watch the sunrise on the beach. We set the alarm and it dutifully went off. We turned it off, reset it and went back to bed only to repeat this routine several times. We finally dragged ourselves out of bed around 7am and drove to the beach in our pajamas. The sun was halfway above the horizon by the time we parked. We missed what we wanted to see by less than ten minutes but it was still beautiful. We have pictures. It should be entertaining to see what we look like in those pictures. Jenny and I left for Florida a little later and arrived in the afternoon to her aunt's place. I laughed a ton while learning to play dominos with them. The bed was much more comfy than the ones we had been sleeping on. I feel a little better but am coughing a lot more now.


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