Wednesday, October 06, 2004

a little late

well, now that we're midway through the week I wonder if it is any relevant to share what happened over the weekend. I'll try my best to remember... Be prepared this may be boring for some of you...
the highlights:
Friday night was spent with some good friends, many of whom I haven't seen in months. It was our first dinner at the new place (well, with friends anyways) and I love having a dining room, even if it isn't able to hold as many as the Gregory's. I really love having people get together. It makes me happy to be able to enjoy so many different and wonderful people. :-) After dinner we headed to the studio walk through at Rebecca's studio. A-MAZ-ING!!! I haven't been to many of these things and always feel a bit weird when the artist is standing there. I'm never sure what to say. We made our way through most of the studios and finally into Rebecca's. Let me just say that I knew she was good but I had no idea that she was THAT good. Got to visit for a few minutes with the peeps from Tues. nights that had come to support Reb. I love seeing them. After that a few of us headed to Kaldi's downtown where I enjoyed a caramel steamer. Who knew milk could be so good? When we got there and parked a guy walked up to us and said something about paying. Mike handed him $5 and less than a minute later we saw a sign that read "Even if you paid to park here your car will still be towed". The guy assured us that the sign was for the weekdays. Thankfully, my car was still there when we left.

Saturday started early for me with trying on lots of pretty and lots of freakin' espensive dresses. The one we picked out is $150. It was fun to see my friends and it will be fun to be apart of Stephanie's wedding. After that I got together with some old work friends from Great American. It was reassuring not being the only one still without a job.

We spent Sunday morning out on the Gregory's lawn enjoying the sunshine. I LOVE this weather. A lot of our chat was about idenity and behavior. good stuff. I'll have more to share on this later. Then off to Columbus I went. Evie and I ate entirely too much, especially junk food. We finished a huge bag of Cheetos in less than a day, does that tell you anything? It ended the weekend (on Monday) well when she passed all of her tests.

All in all, it was a great weekend and I was able to share it with people that I love and enjoy being with.


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