Thursday, August 05, 2004


I wish I hadn't waited so long to actively look for a job. This week I have taken a few sessions or whatever you want to call it with Right Management Consultants. It has been very worthwhile and has gotten me off my arse. I'm still pretty unsure about what the next step will be (well, besides actually getting a job). However, I'm becoming more optomistic about career type stuff. I just hope that I'm able to find a good job in the time that I have left. In other job news, my roommate lost her job yesterday. She's pretty bummed but she has an interview on Friday.

Other crazy not-so-good stuff going on:
My grandma is in the hospital. I'm not exactly sure of all the reasons but apparently she's in a good bit of pain. That's sounds weird about the pain part but I'm tired of trying to think of a good way to phrase it so that is what you're stuck with reading.
Jan (a friend from small group) is at the Mayo Clinic in MN. Initially results indicate that she has ALS (aka Lou Gherig's disease).

Because I'd like to be optomistic I'm going to end on a "good note" or anything that I can think of that is good. I found some really cool dishes I like for fairly cheap and I have a 20% off coupon for that store. hehe. that's good, right? I haven't bought them yet cuz I'm kinda holding out for finding a job first so I can justify the purchase. ;-) Spending time with my dad has been really good lately. I am really hoping that our relationship becomes deeper and we're able to get to know one another better.

Alright, that's all I have time for at the moment. Peace and love to you all.


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