Thursday, June 24, 2004

Some things never change

I sat down on the front porch to enjoy the beautiful weather and my dinner. I also enjoyed watching a game of kickball put on the by the kids from my street. A few minutes of a fun-filled game were crashed by the "you're a crybaby" and "I quit". Next someone stepped in to 'fix' things. A few minutes later a mom called for her kids to come inside. The pleading began, "Just a few more minutes" answered with a stern "no" from the mom. "Please" they cried. Again the mom said, "no". The kids wanted an explanation, "Why?!" They received the same response that my brothers and I always received, "because I said so!" I just sat there peacefully eating my salad and giggling to myself. I have a feeling they'll be back tomorrow, no hurt feelings, just an excitement to enjoy life together.


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