Thursday, October 07, 2004

Things I enjoy...

I started a list of things I enjoy. I made it to 40 without thinking too hard about it.

I enjoy:
1. spending time with my friends.
2. my dad's desire to cultivate a better relationship with me.
3. chocolate. (giving up chocolate during Lent this year was probably the hardest thing I've disciplined myself to do.)
4. long, hot showers in the winter and short, cold showers in the summer.
5. traveling.
6. being friends with lots of different types of people.
7. good hugs.
8. affection.
9. the freedom of driving.
10. Usher's "Yeah" song. (it just came on the radio and I want to crank it up)
11. Photos.
12. Mt. Echo Park.
13. sunsets.
14. all types of scenery.
15. finishing a book. It feels like a great accomplishment.
16. England.
17. smiling.
18. the products of creativity. (art, musica, dance, etc.)
19. animals. Especially puppies, kittens, and dogs.
20. my mom's cooking.
21. desserts.
22. relaxing baths.
23. weddings.
24. living on my own (apart from parents...)
25. shopping.
26. planning things. (like parties)

I'll finish the list tomorrow.


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