Thursday, November 04, 2004


It has been an extremely busy week for me and this weekend is going to be no different. Thankfully, tonight I am chillin' at Tara's with the Toby. He's a super cute dog. :-) I guess if I can't have my own dog (or cat) then I can love my family and friend's pets. I'm pretty sure that I didn't get the job at Verdin. I'm ok with it, but I just need to find something else soon. I hate not feeling like I have any stability. However, (I can't believe I just typed that) things are going well with the temp job. They seem to be pretty pleased at everything I'm doing. I have had to wear nice clothes, look presentable, and get up early. But, I am actually feeling productive and I really enjoy that feeling.

I am helping my dad move his girlfriend (of less than like 2 months!!) into his place Saturday morning. I'm a little uneasy at all of this. Not that I can really do anything about it...I'm just sayin'. My soon to be sister-in-laws had a little chat about things last weekend. I think I've just now realized that I'm excited that they are both in my life to have as sister-in-laws. This is a whole new feeling. It is nice to have some girls in the family now. We take up for each other. :-)

It is hard to believe that November is already here. I don't like knowing that my best friend is going to be moving to another country in less than two months. Not fun.

I'm reading Blue Like Jazz. Have I've mentioned that already? far, so good. I think I've realized why it takes me so much longer to finish books like these. (meaning more "churchy" type books...bad description, but, hopefully you know what I mean) My conclusion is that it just takes longer to process.

I'm gonna stop rambling now. I hope I get to spend time with you soon. :-)


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