Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Flip it UpSiDe DoWn

A few months ago my brother and SIL moved to MN. Julie is doing her post-Doc. work at the Mayo Clinic (I know, how cool is she!). Anyhow, Duane called last night and told me that they were settling in. He doesn’t have a job right now, other than walking a few dogs (plus they have three) a couple times a week. He put an ad in the paper to see if he could generate some more dog walking business, “so I can stay home with the kids.” He briefly paused and I thought he was meaning dogs when he said “kids”. That is until in his next breath he said, “Julie’s pregnant.”

Julie, my wonderful Sister-in-Law, also happens to be known for her lack of motherly desire. She has been known to hold my nieces and nephews (when they were babies) at arm’s length. Though she has warmed up to them in recent years this was an unplanned pregnancy, for sure. I kept thinking (and saying), “I can’t believe she’s (you’re) pregnant.” And “oh my gosh.”

I also must tell you the other thing Julie and I talked about, “Did I tell you that I stopped watching Grey’s?” she says to me. I replied, “No. Why??!!?”

“It turned me into a McMess.” (yes, there was lots of drama on Grey’s last season) I’m totally stealing her “McMess” word. LOVE it.

I still can’t believe they’re going to have a baby. Wow!

Sunday, September 16, 2007


With the change in weather and my wanting to take a break from all things difficult and also wanting to spend significant time with my people I have secretly been hoping to go on a road trip. That chance came this weekend. So, I'm sitting here (in Columbus) with two of my favorite people and remembering the peace and perfection of last night's crisp evening.

It's funny how that peace often comes in the most ordinary of moments.

I've been a slacker on some Sunday mornings, even if (especially if?) I know the topic will resonate within me or will cause me to reflect on my Life and maybe even help me on my way towards change. It was one of those moments that I think I'll look back on in 10 years and realize that I either listened to the words that were offered last night or chose my own path in my decisions. After a quick dinner we drove up to Lindsay’s parent’s house. On the way through some country hillsides the travel brought back a few happy childhood memories. My smile grew larger with each hill that we climbed. Have you ever traveled over a hill and with the motion of going over the hill it does something wild in your tummy? When my brothers and I were little we used to call that “getting our bellies”. :) We would say, “Mom, get our bellies!” which was her cue to drive a little faster over the approaching hill. Sitting in the car with two of my favorite people, remembering those moments and having an involuntary response of child-like giggles and “Wooooooh!" it made me realize how full of peace and wonder some moments can hold.

Monday, September 10, 2007


This little gem of words was found in one of my comments. I couldn't help but share it.

"...We have it in us to be Christs to each other and maybe in some unimaginable way to God too -- that's what we have to tell finally. We have it in us to work miracles of love and healing as well as to have them worked upon us. We have it in us to bless with him and forgive with him and heal with him and once in a while maybe even to grieve with some measure of his grief at another's pain and to rejoice with some measure of his rejoicing at another's joy almost as if it were our own. And who knows but that in the end, by God's mercy, the two stories will converge for good and all, and though we would never have had the courage or the faith or the wit to die for him any more than we have ever managed to live for him very well either, his story will come true in us at last. And in the meantime, this side of Paradise, it is our business (not like so many peddlers of God's word, but as men and women of sincerity) to speak with our hearts (which is what sincerity means) and to bear witness to, and live out of, and live toward, and live by, the true word of his holy story as it seeks to stammer itself forth through the holy stories of us all."

--Frederick Buechner

thanks, tg. you're wonderful!

Friday, September 07, 2007

pivot, Pivot, PIVOT!

Have you ever wanted something or even done something with the knowledge that what you are wanting or what you are doing is not necessarily the best for your Life?

I’m a patient person. I follow the rules (most of the time). Lately, though, I’ve been toying with the idea of breaking a few of those rules. Nothing illegal, of course, and most people wouldn’t think that what I want to do is a bad thing or even considers it as ‘breaking any rules’, mostly because they are limits or “rules” that I put on my life. What I’m struggling with is thinking that this very thing that I “want” to do is not good for my life. Like, if I follow through on these decisions that there will most definitely be some consequences. Most, if not all, of the consequences would affect me directly and very likely not affect anyone else.

I’m getting tired of following the rules all the time. I’m through with waiting around. Yet, on the flip side I know that being patient is probably a good thing, a better thing than making a bad decision. I KNOW all of this. But, a girl’s gotta be a Rebel every now and again, right?