Tomorrow is the debut and release show of an amazing band and I'm so excited to be able to enjoy it!
Here are the details:
Who: Ellery (formerly Dividing the Plunder)
What: Debut and CD Release show
When: Friday, April 29th @8pm
Where: Muntz Hall Theater, UC Raymond Walters College
Cost: $5 or $3 with CD pre-order www.ellerymusic.com
Also, you can check out a short article in this week's CIN Weekly. http://www.cinweekly.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050427/ENT0301/504270358/1046/all
Anyone know how to make my link pretty?
Here are the details:
Who: Ellery (formerly Dividing the Plunder)
What: Debut and CD Release show
When: Friday, April 29th @8pm
Where: Muntz Hall Theater, UC Raymond Walters College
Cost: $5 or $3 with CD pre-order www.ellerymusic.com
Also, you can check out a short article in this week's CIN Weekly. http://www.cinweekly.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050427/ENT0301/504270358/1046/all
Anyone know how to make my link pretty?
You know what comes to my mind when I think of the word "ELLERY"? Applebee's....and phone numbers....
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