Thursday, April 28, 2005


Tomorrow is the debut and release show of an amazing band and I'm so excited to be able to enjoy it!

Here are the details:

Who: Ellery (formerly Dividing the Plunder)
What: Debut and CD Release show
When: Friday, April 29th @8pm
Where: Muntz Hall Theater, UC Raymond Walters College
Cost: $5 or $3 with CD pre-order

Also, you can check out a short article in this week's CIN Weekly.

Anyone know how to make my link pretty?

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

it's bugging me

so... s i g h t i n g is how you spell the word in the last post that i misspelled.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

my celebrity siting... that how you spell siting. hmmm. well, i'm not gonna even attempt to find out. i'm tired. but, i wanted to share..

:-) So, I was walking to my car after chatting with the holly and I saw this guy come out of Walgreens. I really felt like I should know who he was and kept thinking about it until it hit me. It was Jerry Springer! hehe. He walked across the street and toward Vine street. No, I didn't shake his hand or make a random comment about wanting to throw a chair at my sisters, ex-husband's brother and his nephew.... that should somehow be more creative but I don't have the energy. but, you get the picture.

so...yeah...umm, I saw Jerry Springer.

that's all i've got.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

nervous and excited

On Saturday I forked over 400 bucks for the deposit on my new place. As soon as I left I started freaking out and getting really anxious about what I had just done. Unanswered questions flooded my mind, causing my heart to race even more. All the 'what ifs' and uncertainty of getting a new place all your own and all the responsibility that comes along for the ride overtook my thoughts the minute I got in the car. It has taken a few days to settle in and more than a few of 'it really is going to be okay' phrases to help me begin to be excited about this new adventure. I am thrilled to be getting a place of my own, thrilled to be able to decorate, and thrilled to be making my own decisions.

And for those of you that love me and enjoy moving large, heavy objects you're in luck! I'm going to try to get the keys May 1st so I can move in right away (May is a super busy month!) so it will be easier to settle in throughout the month of May. I've had my fair share of cleaning til 4 in the morning to ensure a full return of my security deposit. The last time I moved I vowed to never do that again.

So, the Great Apartment Search of 2005 is officially over. Well, I don't have keys in hand...


Once I move in I'll try to take some pictues of my place. I'm super excited! One of the coolest (literally) things is that I will have central air. Did I mention that I hate to be hot? :-)

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

the countdown has begun....

less than two months…

I’ve spent a lot of time dreading the packing and moving that is to happen in the next month and a half. If I had the money I would seriously think about getting rid of everything that I own and starting from scratch. Well, nearly. I’d definitely want to keep my photos, my bed, and my hope chest. I’m trying to figure out how I can manage to buy a new couch. Now that I don’t have roommates to worry about I’m super excited about decorating and finding my own sense of style and creating my own space.

“The great apartment search of 2005” is in full swing. So far I have visited close to a dozen places. I’ve found one that I really like and have all but decided that I’m going to take it. There are plenty of advantages, two minor disadvantages, and one major disadvantage. I’ll explain more about it once I find out more. I have a 2nd choice (located right next door…literally) if this one doesn’t work out.

Must go daydream about colors and couches and try to figure out how I can afford the $500 couch I saw in Sunday’s sales flyer…