Thursday, September 30, 2004


This is pretty interesting in my little world. So, a friend calls me sort of out of the blue yesterday and asks if I will go with her to be her nail model for her state boards. All the while I'm thinking 'me a model, yeah right'. She doesn't know of anyone else that can help her out so of course I lend my services...or umm, my hand. (I know, stupid joke) I drove all the way to Tri-County today so she could "prep" me, which included a free manicure. Mind you, this is only the second professional manicure I've ever had. It was lots of fun. She painted the one hand red. I mean...RED!!! Red has never been a color that I have dared to wear mostly because I feel like I would stand out too much. Anyhow, after it was on for awhile I started to like it. In the end I made her change it so now I have a fresh manicure (on one hand) and pink (pinker than I'd normally wear) polish. It's cute. I can see why people pay to have their nails done.

The down-side is I'll be gone Sunday night so I'll miss the DtP show. bummer. But, I'm excited to hang out with Evie and spend some time doing girly things and being able to help her out.

p.s. I went to OfficeTeam yesterday so I'm hoping to start a temp job by next week. yippee!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

holy freaking crap...

hehe. there's lots of amazing stuff going on this weekend, Cincinnatians!

Friday and Saturday Essex Art Studios will have an open-to-the-public Studio walk through. I can't wait to see some of Rebecca's stuff.
It's at the corner of E. McMillan and Essex St. Friday and Sat from 6-11pm.

Sunday night Dividing the Plunder will be playing at OSG! Directly from their website:
Leo Coffeehouse at Old St. George 42 Calhoun St Cincinnati, OH 45219 7:00pm (DtP at 8:15pm), $3.00 Contact: Spencer Funk, (513) 321-8375

I hope I get to spend some time with you quality folks this weekend.

much love. (and yes, I really am awake at 2:37AM)

random thoughts

I've sat here for the last half hour trying to find words to express my thoughts. Here goes:

I keep thinking about the decisions I've made over the last year or two, or even the non-decisions ultimately being a decision. Where would my life be right now if I hadn't screwed up so badly? I'm trying not to have any regrets, but at this moment it is a bit hard. I realize now that I jumped into something that I wasn't ready for and knew it all along. I lied to myself, my friends, and my family, even without really thinking I was lying. How did I lose myself through all of this? Why has it taken me this long to realize this? And how the hell do I pick myself back up, dust myself off, and really seek whatever it is that I'm seeking. I haven't even decided what I need to be looking for. Is it what makes me me? Is it answers for solidifying my faith, whatever that means? Is it to determine what I should be doing with my life?

Follow along for more ramblings...
I believe that I would be most fulfilled in doing something in the way of helping others. I'm not sure how that will play out. I know that I really enjoyed spending time with the kids in England and with the kids back here in Price Hill during Friday Fun Night. I have thought about being a part of Big Brothers, Big Sisters (or even something like it).

Over the last several months I feel as though I have completely pushed away most things having to do with my relationship with God (even writing that phrase seems foreign). I think that there has been stirring in my heart and brain to tread into new territory (finally). Part of this searching, or rather hopeless feeling, is probably a result of wanting answers to questions like 'Why do I believe what I believe?' and 'Do I really believe what I think I believe?'

Just a few days ago I was thinking about divorce and what a huge impact it has. I know that I want to be married someday. But, I also know that I need to be wiser about the decisions I make regarding relationships and I also know that I want to not make a huge life-changing decision just because I am "in love". I want to be my own person with the ability to share all of myself with another person in a balanced, healthy, and loving relationship. ending that tangent now....back to divorce... So, I find out yesterday that my Aunt and Uncle are divorcing. It really is so sad. They've been married eleven years this November. Apparently, one of them needs more affection and love shown in that type of way wheras the other doesn't need as much. I don't know how, but somehow, they've come to the conclusion that this can't be worked out. (of course this isn't the whole story and I'm sure there is a ton that has been left out) But if, just if, this is the main reason for their divorce why can't they see that maybe this can be worked out. Why do we give up so easily? Did I mention my two little cousins? One is 10 and the other just five. I hate the affect that this divorce is going to have on their life.

My soon to be Sister in Law, Julie, is dealing with the death of her father right now. He had brain cancer, I believe, and died Friday morning. I can't even imagine what she is going through.

I feel better since my last post. I haven't been keeping a journal and think that writing a few of my thoughts has helped. Also, I'm only a few pages from being done with the book. This is one of those books that I think I should re-read when it's over to make sure I didn't miss anything and to make sure I remember it all.

I'm determined to watch The Notebook this week, even if that means that I go to the theater by myself (something I've never done).

Yes, things are much better. I had a difficult conversation with my mom yesteday on the drive down to Somerset. more on that later....

Thursday, September 23, 2004

breaking the silence

I'm not sure I have any dedicated blog readers left (not that I had too many to begin with) since I have neglected updating as much as I have. I feel like the only way to describe my life as of late is with a vague "life is difficult" comment. There is actually much more to that than I give my life credit for. (crap, did that make any sense?) Actually, I feel that if I go into much more detail than that about my life I'm not sure what reaction I would receive. I feel like I've been in this huge slump for a long time now, entirely too long, and I think I actually know how to go about fixing the situation or at least bettering it but I haven't been able or willing or even both to do anything about it. (If I'm honest with myself it is most definitely the later)

These last few months (and especially the last few weeks) have brought on a huge surge of emotions for me. I actually believe I have been depressed, something I never pictured myself being. Most days I have very little confidence (which sucks for trying to find or even have the desire to find a job). I feel abandoned, worthless, neglected, crushed, left out, incapable, lazy, and desperate.

There are a few glimmers of hope in what I've found to be a very disparaging situation. I'm hoping that some of this self-awareness will help me to dig myself out of this rut. I've picked up A New Kind of Christian again and I think it is helping me put words to what I am feeling.

anywho, I hope to blog again soon. hopefully, it will be with much better news.