Friday, August 15, 2008

my little garden

There was apparently no luck convincing mom to bring me flowers and cake for my birthday. I’m still waiting and she avoided calling me (helloooo, mom!) on Tuesday when I told her she should come hang out with my friends. It’s too bad; she missed seeing the little harvest from my little garden. It really is quite tiny and since it is going so well this year (despite the many times I’ve neglected watering) that I think next year I will be expanding said garden. Anywho, back to the harvest...

From my garden I picked:
4 bright red roma tomatoes (not so shiny, so I don’t what that is about)
A bunch of basil
1 reddish bell pepper (it’s supposed to be red, but was still a little green)

The cukes are growing as well as many more tomatoes, some jalepenos, and more bell peppers. I once thought my cantaloupe was a lost cause, but the vine is growing like crazy now. Way to make a comeback cantaloupe!

I wish I would've taken some photos.


Friday, August 08, 2008

live it out...

I found a quote of Frederick Buechner's that I adore. One day soon I'm going to have to start reading some of his stuff instead of just quoting him.

"The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep need meet."

LOVE it.

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Friday, August 01, 2008

Dandelion dreams...

This Tuesday I turned twenty-seven. Like some other people, birthdays and the New Year often brings about a time of remembering and reflecting. When I take a moment to think about Life and what the future holds I realize the hope that is in my Life now. My heart is open to receiving those good things. It has all been a journey to reach this point. I’m a natural list maker and so I’m a bit inclined to make a list of goals and things that I am hopeful the future holds. Until that happens enjoy a few quotes:

“Everything that has happened in your life up to now has brought you to this point, to this place, to right here, right now.” By A. Ramana

“For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.” ~Romans 8:24&25

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