a wedding gift?
Getting to my point...
She emailed me today and asked if I'd be willing to do the reception photos if she would "buy all the film and whatever else you would need."
I think I'd be willing to do that for her. But, I don't know if it is a great idea. Here's where you come in: please email me or leave a comment and let me know what you think.
I know that there are a lot more expenses than just film and I'm sure that she doesn't realize how expensive things can get. I was already planning on attending the wedding (in Savannah) so the traveling expense is expected. But, there's the film, the time it takes to prepare everything, the processing and printing of the film, the reprints, etcetera. Shooting the reception is probably a lot less stressful than the ceremony, but still stressful. I had already planned on being there the week before the wedding, so I should be able to do some test shots and look at the location and everything beforehand.
So, let me know what you think. :-) Thanks!