Wednesday, January 18, 2006

a wedding gift?

My cousin is getting married this July (and I thought I was done with weddings...) and she really didn't want to shell out $2400 for wedding photos. She looked at my photos when I visited the family on Saturday and said that I should take the wedding photos. NO WAY! Seriously, I would never agree to take pictures of her wedding for various reasons. Mostly I have little to no experience, don't have the right equipment, would be completely stressed out, and would never forgive myself if my pictures sucked. Did I mention that I don't have any experience and I'm not a professional? I'd barely call myself a beginner. So, I firmly opposed the idea and later suggested one of my friends.

Getting to my point...
She emailed me today and asked if I'd be willing to do the reception photos if she would "buy all the film and whatever else you would need."

I think I'd be willing to do that for her. But, I don't know if it is a great idea. Here's where you come in: please email me or leave a comment and let me know what you think.

I know that there are a lot more expenses than just film and I'm sure that she doesn't realize how expensive things can get. I was already planning on attending the wedding (in Savannah) so the traveling expense is expected. But, there's the film, the time it takes to prepare everything, the processing and printing of the film, the reprints, etcetera. Shooting the reception is probably a lot less stressful than the ceremony, but still stressful. I had already planned on being there the week before the wedding, so I should be able to do some test shots and look at the location and everything beforehand.

So, let me know what you think. :-) Thanks!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you should do it because you can. Let her know your a novice and if she wants to pay for the stuff then let her. She will probably be saving a ton of money. Oh yeah, hone your skills over the next six months.

On the other hand, if it is going to cause you a great deal of stress, especially 6 months of stress, then it may not be worth it.

Take care.

1/18/2006 10:10 PM  
Blogger ben said...

I just keep thinking about Wedding Stress. Never underestimate it.

1/19/2006 9:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think your work is wonderful. You are certianly talented enough, but the down side would be that you'd be "working" and perhaps not available to absorb and enjoy the evening. That's a tough decision.

1/19/2006 5:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dana, that last one is from me, Rebecca. I forgot to puto my name down there.

1/19/2006 5:49 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Hey girly...well, I definately think you are capable of doing an amazing job on her reception photos. You are only a beginner, and you already show a lot of talent. So IF you can get over the stress of it, you should do it. BUT I know you, and I think that it won't be easy at all for you to "get over the stress". So basically, I have the typical "it's something you have to decide for yourself" answer. But if you do decide to do it, go at it wholeheartedly and don't second guess or doubt yourself. We all know you CAN do it and WILL do a great job if you choose to go ahead and do it.

1/19/2006 7:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dana you are amazingly talented and you have a gift to capture a moment beautifully. You need to go for it. Take a chance because your work is extremely appealing especially your black and whites and the ones where you contrast the colors so well. I am behind you 100%. However, you know that you take way too much on all the time. If this is something that you really could make time for then DO NOT LET FEAR GET IN THE WAY!!! There can never be courage without fear. But you have the talent and you know you do. Show em what ya got.

1/20/2006 2:52 AM  
Blogger dana said...

thanks for all the comments. i decided to go through with it. in fact, i just scored a camera from ebay last night!!!

2/03/2006 5:34 PM  

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