Thursday, December 16, 2004

job stuff

On Monday I set up an interview for a different position with Great American. On Tuesday I received an offer for the other positon that I interviewed for a few weeks ago. (I was sooo excited!)

Well, I had my interview today and it went really well. At least it did until the end when I opened my mouth about having an offer from the other person. Less than a half hour after I left she called and said that she knew I had the offer from Paul but she wanted to give me an offer fo this job as well and for me to think about it.

:-) I'm so glad that I have a job now. (well, WILL have a job) Surprisingly I think I have my mind already made up about which job I'm taking. Though I tend to be pretty indecisive about things.

Yay!!!!! yay!!!! yay!!!!!

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Life and Death

He held my hand longingly as I gently pressed my lips against his face. I will forever remember that moment, no because it changes the past but because it helps mend the past while focusing on the future, though it may be limited, with a new perspective.

I was willing to endure the unpleasant scent of the hospital that makes me feel nauseous earlier this year. Only eight months ago I gladly visited to welcome my nephew to the world.

Tonight as I walked through the sterile hallways to my Grandpa's room I had a much different feeling; fear.

More than anything I hate watching my mom experience this extreme sense of pain.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

so, i've got another cold..

I feel like I have been so busy this week and even though I've managed to get plenty of sleep each night I awake still craving for more. What's a girl to do?

I'm not too fond of this new temp job, mostly because the people aren't super friendly like the last place. How do I know what the next step should be? Should I just attempt to find a job even if it isn't what I'd like? Cuz I'm worried that if that is what I decide to do and then later the job that I actually want comes open I'll be too afraid to quit and start all over again. Am I making any sort of sense?

Last week was emotionally draining. Still lots of stuff to deal with, but hopefully it will get better. It's hard knowing that Christine is leaving after this month. Apart from her, it feels like some of my best friends have ditched me lately. (maybe that's just my perception)

Happy December!