Wednesday, October 08, 2003

I'm still amazed

I kept looking back. My eyes were drawn to the sky, the beautiful and expansive sky. Vibrant red and a stunning blue gave off a glow just above the rolling green hills. I wanted so bad to just stop and take a picture before it was too late, before the moment of perfection would pass. Somehow, I know even though I was able to take a decent picture it won't be enough. I love taking pictures, I always have and I suppose I always will. Though, I'm finding that even as hard as I try I really cannot capture my life on film. As I type I look around my desk and see the photographs that I have posted around my otherwise mundane cubicle. There's this great one of our (family) dog, Cleo, licking my mom's face as she is laughing and has a huge grin. It makes me smile every time I see it. There's another of myself, Sarah and Stephanie in front of Cape Hatteras lighthouse in North Carolina taken this spring. There's pictures of me and Tim and one of myself and Christine and another one of my family taken at Thanksgiving dinner last year. My pictures don't encompass my entire life. (maybe that's speaking volumes about my photography skills, huh?) I haven't captured the unspoken joy of my cousin holding her newborn or the tender prayer lifted up when a friend was going through a really hard time. I have yet to snap a photo that really shows my love for my family and friends. There are many things that I don't and can't have pictures of that are so precious to me. The feeling I got the first time Tim told me he loved me or the love I have for my friends in England or even the gratitude I have for every single friend that I have in my life isn't on any negative that I have. The moments of our lives and the experiences in them are amazing. In the midst of each day I hope I find at least one thing that cannot be described in a photo.
As the great people of Dividing the Plunder have said, "On the ordinary Common path of every day Are the extraordinary Steps we take in grace."


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