Friday, September 26, 2003


So, I go over to Karen's house (Jen's mom) last night to watch Survivor. It's a tradition that I enjoy. Well, I go to the door and half knock and get ready to open the door, like I always do. But, someone opens the door for me and stays behind the door. I step in and see Mary, a friend of Jen's from high school. And she says something to the effect of, "Hi, I decided to come over and eat lasagna with you guys and watch Survivor!" I think nothing of it and suspect that Sheridan, Mary's long time boyfriend, is behind the door. I turn around to say hello to Sheridan and my pig pal Jen is standing there!!!!! :-) Yeah for surprises! It was very surreal. I mean, I had NO CLUE that she was coming and was speachless. Awesome. I LOVE surprises. (too bad Tim doesn't!)

Then she tells me that she's engaged! Yep, you read that right!!! She's engaged! (Congratulations Jen and Mike) Wow. btw, the ring is beautiful.

oooh, one more good thing happened yesterday (by no means the best). When I got to work in the morning I was bummed cuz I had to park 2 levels higher than my "usual spot" in the parking garage. Well, I took the elevator when I went home and this other lady was getting off on the level that I normally park on and as she got off I glanced over to where I normally park and there was shattered glass. That could've been me! Craziness. Thank you, Lord that it wasn't me.

anywho, I hope today goes well. I have a meeting at work that I'm a little nervous about. They might warn us that layoffs are on their way. sorry this is so long.


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