Friday, February 23, 2007

tv star or rock star?

Something pretty cool is happening on Wednesday, March 7th. I know it's a weeknight, but drag your previously house-bound, ice-covered, frozen self to the Carnegie Visual and Performing Arts Center and be social. Spring is coming and you need to come out of hibernation. I know some of you may have to cross the river into's like a road trip, all ten minutes of it.

Here are the details:
"Come be on TV with us!"
The Carnegie V & PAC
1028 Scott Boulevard
Covington, KY 41011

I've been to the Carnegie once before. It's a pretty nifty place, and will be even niftier (hey, it's a word!) with Ellery and all you cool people out there.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

another friday night...

Meet us at Enjoy the Arts for Final Friday. Rebecca Weller's new work entitled Fill My Cup will be displayed. I'm so very excited!

Here's what the ETA had to say:

Consisting of smaller graphite renderings on wood, exquisite oil paintings and a variety of woven fabrics, Rebecca Weller’s work for Fill My Cup focuses on communication and the understanding of one’s needs. Artist Rebecca Weller is a graduate of Art Academy of Cincinnati. Her work has gone through several evolutions: from monochromatic glazes and large scale portraits, to these smaller more intimate directly rendered images. . In these pieces, Weller has used woven fabrics as some of the surfaces. At Enjoy the Arts, 1338 Main Street, Cincinnati, Feb 23, 6-10 p.m.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

dancing light

Beauty comes in many forms and today happens to be a favorite of mine. Weather in the tri-state has been causing a lot of news lately. This morning Cincinnati woke to ice covered tree branches, railings, power lines, etc. The way the light dances off the ice is simply beautiful. I hope to go home, take a few pictures, and then venture inside for some warmth.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

pockets full of posies

For the last several days love, romance, marriage and the like have been swimming around in my head a bit more than normal.

A good friend of mine is getting married in about three weeks and I’ve been busy with planning all sorts of things like the bridal shower and getting our nails done, and deciding if I want to pay to get my hair done, etc. I’m excited to be a part of the wedding. There are couples that you can feel are a good fit for one another, and that’s how I feel about this couple.

Lately I’ve been avoiding conversations with Tim mostly because we don’t have anything to talk about. I don’t want him to think he can call me four or five times a week and expect me to drop what I’m doing or what I have planned in order to talk to him, especially when what he wants to talk about is how he got into an argument with his mom over something ridiculous or that he bought a new gun or how he is so tired. I’m pretty sure he is the only friend that I wish wouldn’t call so often. Maybe I’m not being fair to him, maybe this friendship has pretty much fizzled out or whatever. A few weeks ago we had a great conversation about people that interest us, and it was both healthy and reassuring. Last night he said, “Do you think I’m calling too much?” There isn’t much room to dance around the question, particularly if you’ve previously been kind of short and bitchy on the phone. It’s funny to me that on Sunday I came across a pros and cons list about him and the relationship. Let me just say that if you feel the need to create pros and cons list (even if you’re a list maker) about a relationship, then that should speak louder than any of the items that would be on the list. To be fair, Tim isn’t a bad guy. He simply isn’t a guy that I would ever consider myself being interested in now (hindsight and a lot of growth and change will do that to a person).

Then, on Monday there was this InStyle Weddings special on TV. Gosh, I should seriously just unplug the thing. Pretty dresses, beautiful flowers and other wonderful things make you think about getting married. Valentine’s Day will be here in a week. Then, last night I was watching (again with the TV) some travel type show on CET and the chic was in Venice, Italy. Gorgeous. If the show was any indication of the reality of Venice, then I think it is one of the most romantic cities and I would love to visit someday.

I was talking to Holly about it the other night and said something like, I’m not opposed to being in a relationship right now and think I am open to that, but I’m not going to be pursuing one anytime soon and am perfectly happy with the direction I’m headed.