Friday, September 29, 2006


“For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin – real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life. This perspective has helped me to see there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. So treasure every moment you have and remember that time waits for no one. Happiness is a journey, not a destination.” Souza

A moment that I am currently treasuring: the newest addition to our family. :) Tonight, for the first time ever, I will meet my baby niece Ryleigh. I can't even tell you how happy this makes me. Little Ryleigh Jane was born at 12:23pm and weighs 7 lbs. and 4 oz.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

I like this--a lot...

I beg you…to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without ever noticing it, live your way into the answer… - Rainer Maria Rilke

Thursday, September 21, 2006


My car insurance update came in the other day. Apparently they (finally) noticed that I had turned the big 2-5 and dropped my rate. 2005 was a year filled with car drama (i'm not sure it ever ends...) so they raised it at one point and now it is at the lowest that i've ever paid. Like $120 cheaper for six months now than when I was 24.

you know you're gettin' old when you're excited about this sort of thing. and....when you know that the money you're gonna be saving is gonna go straight towards paying another bill. Oh the excitement that is my life. ;)

Saturday, September 16, 2006

cut and paste and edit...

...that's what I did. (thanks Ty)

My Autobiography (everything you were wondering about)


1.Where did you take your default pic?
i don't have one on here. only on myspace..and that was taken at my apt. via my camera phone. cute jeans, green tank and black thing over that. i was wearing really cute heels that my aunt would be proud of me for...but...ouch.

3.What is your current problem? i'll stay on the not-too-dramatic side of feet hurt.

4. Who makes you most happy? wow. umm, my people. my niece and nephew.

5.What's the name of the song that you're listening to? nothing except what's in my head. my mom and i just returned from seeing Caberet at The Carnegie. Yay for scoring tickets for free!

6.Has anyone you've been really close with passed away? define "really close" my grandpa died last year. a few other grandparents have passed away. and it was sad, but i'm not sure i'd classify them as being "really close"

7.Do you ever watch MTV? nope

8.What's something that really annoys you? at the moment i don't have something that I can share here. it has to do with some peeps at worky-work.

Chapter 1:
1.Middle name:Lynn
2.Nickname(s): my name isn't really good for nicknames.
3. Where were you born? Ft. Thomas, KY
4. Current location: i'm sitting at my mom's in KY. I now live in cincy.
5. Eye color: blue

Chapter 2:
1.Do you live with your parents? not since I was 18.
2.Do you get along with your parent(s)? yes
3.Are your parents married/separated/divorced? divorced.
4.Do you have any Siblings?: I have four brothers. yes, only other girls. and, no it wasn't always fun. they were mean.

Chapter 3:
.1.Icecream: chocolate chip from Schneider's or Black Raspberry Chip from UDF or Graeter's
3. Season: Spring
3. Candy bar: Cadbury Roasted Almond milk chocolate. mmm.

Chapter 4:
Do You..
1.Write on your hand: not normally
2.Call people back: most of the time. lately it has been a bit of a struggle.
3.Believe in love: have you met me? of course I do.
4.Sleep on a certain side of the bed? on the left side.
5. Have any bad habits? oh man. yes.
6. Any mental health issues? really?
Chapter 5:
Have You...
1.Broken a bone: nope
2.Sprained anything? my ankle(s) I'm a freakin' klutz.
3.Had physical therapy? not yet
4.Gotten stitches: only once
5.Taken painkillers? does ibuprofen count?
6.Gone SCUBA diving or snorkeling? yes. several years ago when my brothers and my dad went to florida we rented a sailboat and went snorkeling.
7.Been stung by a bee: yes, thankfully this hasn't happened in several years.
8.Thrown up at the dentist: ooh, gross. and no.
9. Dyed your hair: i've only ever highlighted my hair. right now i'm all nat-u-ral.
10.Had detention: umm. yes. i'm a badass--you didn't even know, did you?
11.Been sent to the principal's office: see question 10.
Chaper 6:
Who/What was the last
1.Movie(s): The Devil Wears Prada.
2.Person to text you?: either my mom or mike. it's kind of a rare occurance.
3.Person you called: my mom...we hung out tonight.
4.Person you hugged?: again, my mom. i'm kind of a hugger. :)
5.Person you tickled: either MaKayla or Scott. :)
6.Thing you touched? this here keyboard
7.Thing you ate? McD's.
8.Thing you drank?: sprite
9.Thing you said?: "i'm gonna go check my email..."
10. Tv show you watched? hmmm. something that I watched all the way through? survivor. oh man. i'm so gonna miss thursday night television. my two favorite shows in the whole world. i need to freakin learn how to set my VCR to record.


Monday, September 11, 2006

crosses to disco balls

Time passes. It seems as though I've lost the desire, and I'm not sure where to go from here. No more running in circles. Don't wanna go back. I never thought it would turn out this way.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

"the gods have smiled upon you..."

I replied with a very enthusiastic, "Yay!!" and some other words of joy.

For the past year I have been trying, unsucessfully, to get into Michael Wilson's photography class at Baker-Hunt. I am so freakin' excited!!! I could jump up and down with joy! (do you notice the exclamation marks?)

Norah just came on my launchcast. So sweet; her voice is like an old friend. This was followed by Damien Rice's Delicate. Oh man.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

sweet september

This amazing fall weather makes me want to open all the windows, grab a blanket and curl up on the couch or head outside to sip some cider and jump in a pile of leaves with friends. Since we're on the cusp of a new season I began wondering where I was a year ago, so I decided to look back to my archives. Somehow the days wash into nights more quickly than I remember when I was younger. It is good to slow down and be. And, for my journey:

help me tell the truth you see
that's all i'm trying to do is
tell the truth
i'm not that shy
this is not goodbye
and later on i won't know how
i don't know who else to be
more and more i'm secretly just me
open your eyes

~Goodbye (This is Not Goodbye)