Wednesday, August 30, 2006

after the fizzle...


The weekend was really good, even though I'm only now writing about it. CPLA is from Africa. I knew I'd heard that same dialect somewhere before, but I couldn't place it. My friend Naomi (gosh, I miss her...) is from Namibia--the same place Angelina and Brad decided to have their baby. Anyhow. Friday I enjoyed some time with a few friends listening to Ellery and then stayed the night at my mom's place so that I could scrounge a few moments with my wonderful niece and nephew. My favorite moment: both of them were sitting in my lap and we were "reading" a book together. MaKayla flipped through the pages and I tried to point out the animals to them and then tried to get them to make the animal noises with me. "What noise does a lion make? RRRRoOOOarrrr." After sneaking some hugs and kisses I managed to drag myself away to have lunch with a new friend, Lindsay. She’s great, and I’m really glad we were able to get together for a few minutes to chat.

Lately my eyes have been bothering me, which I attribute to the fact that I haven’t had a new prescription in over two years and the crazy amount of time I’ve been spending on the computer lately. I’m finally finishing up the wedding photos, but there have been at least three days of several hours at a time that I’ve been on the computer trying to get them completed, which equals my eyes being really tired and strained afterwards. All that to say: I made an eye appointment and ended up with a pair of trial contacts and new glasses and sunglasses are on their way. After a short nap I met Sarah so we could go to the Taste of Blue Ash. It was a muggy Saturday evening, but we enjoyed ourselves. After Sunday morning at the Gregory casa I headed to Alexandria for a jewelry party (I bet all the guys out there are jealous, aren't you?) It was really good, though; I was able to see two of my best friends from high school and part of their families. The weekend was balanced with time alone and time with people; a great mix of relaxation and fun. :)

I need to keep reminding myself of the good things, today especially. To be honest, I'm not looking forward to tonight. I'm sick of talking about the same things. I want it to be over already. No more heartache, no more issues. I know that isn't what is best, letting things sit dormant, but sometimes I can't help but want it all to go away. I'm good at avoiding things even if the stress remains despite my ignoring the issue.

I'll keep on keeping on, as best as I'm able, because I know it's the only way for things to change. It's valuable.


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