Thursday, July 13, 2006

for the record...

As of last week I have been convinced enough to become a Harry Potter fan. It took a few years of reassurance that the books were worth reading and a week of vacation to devote to reading. I was only a few chapters in and I pretty much knew I'd be reading the following five books and anticipating the release of the Seventh in about a year's time. I can't believe I waited so long. Stubborn, I am.

I have but one question: Why is the word soccer used? I mean, shouldn't they be talking about football?

And...I'm back to being without waiterrant and myspace. humph.


Blogger ben said...

Very observant of you, this soccer/football thing. I wonder if the UK edition of the book doesn't call it football.

7/13/2006 12:45 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

I knew you'd come 'round sooner or later! It took me a while, too, but I was sick of hearing everyone talk about it so much without me knowing what was going on (of course, that was pre-movie) I'm so glad you have started and now you can love them just like the rest of us!

7/14/2006 9:27 AM  

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