Tuesday, June 13, 2006

pieces of truth

A few days ago I finished A Million Little Pieces by James Frey. I realize there was quite a bit of controversy with this book, and that isn’t the reason that I read it. It was simply a book that I had heard was an interesting read and my co-worker brought it in a few months ago to lend to me; I finally picked it up last week. Once I started reading, and after the first 100 or so pages, the story became very enthralling. I wanted to find out what happened. I knew the guy survived, but I wanted to find out how everything ended. I'm a sucker for happy endings. (Not that I would call this ending 'happy'.)

Something that struck me while reading:
“Leonard breaks down and starts weeping. It is a strong shaking sobbing wracking weeping, the weeping that comes from a wound that will never heal. I let him weep, leave him be with his memories and his loss and his pain. I would offer him comfort, but it wouldn’t matter. The wounds that never heal can only be mourned alone.” Pg. 193

Memoir, novel, fiction, non-fiction, whatever. It's a book worth reading.


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