Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Do you hear the people sing?

Mom and I had some wonderful food at Brio Tuscan Grill before trying (unsuccessfully) to outrun the rain as we made our way into the Aronoff. The evening was good. I often feel that if I have no expectations, something I’m not sure can be accomplished, or have low expectations I will be thrilled when they are met and exceeded. My expectations were met in every way, yet I was left with almost a kind of dissatisfaction at the end of the night. It was kinda like going on a date with someone you really like and being able to chat fairly easily and at the same time the conversation or experience never reaches a depth that leaves you exhilarated, with desire for more. While it was enjoyable, it wasn’t incredible. Maybe I can blame it on all my emotions. Maybe it is just the way it is.

Jen and Tobin also enjoyed Les Mis yesterday, but at the matinee show. We were standing directly across the street from Nicholson’s before our show and I almost called them to see what they thought about the show (Jen splurged and got really great seats). Maybe I would have heard the scope story a day early.

For Jen and Tobin:
Do you hear the people sing?...
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!


Blogger Jen said...

Dana! It's been a while since I checked your blog, but thanks for the lyrics dedicated to us. Too bad there couldn't be audio attached with you singing them, that would be even better!! Hehe. :) Love ya!

5/20/2006 11:58 AM  

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