Wednesday, July 26, 2006

It's been like a week and a half since I last posted. I've been busy as per usual. And I've been extra sleepy lately, I'm not quite sure what to blame that on. My sinuses are kinda crazy right now, and I can't figure out if I have a cold or if I simply have allergies. I keep thinking to myself, "I'm not sick, I'm not sick" hoping that it will all go away. Anyhow, we have a new supervisor starting on Monday. That should be interesting to say the least.

This is a completely random post mostly to end my time away from blogging. Maybe something more is in the works, "I can't confirm or deny..."

I'm eating Funyuns right now. Seriously.

Monday, July 17, 2006


I spent more than a few hours this weekend uploading photos from the wedding and putting them on Flickr.

My aunt sent me some kind words in an email about the pictures. I'd share it, but I don't want to sound like I'm bragging (cuz I'm not at all, I'm humbled by her kind words).

Anyhow, there are a few on my flickr site that are up for public viewing if you want to take a look. I still have six rolls of film that are being developed and there are probably close to 250 or 300 digital pictures. :) My thought was that if I took enough shots some were bound to turn out well.

Thanks for all your support 6+ months ago when the majority of you all said to "go for it" in your own words.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

for the record...

As of last week I have been convinced enough to become a Harry Potter fan. It took a few years of reassurance that the books were worth reading and a week of vacation to devote to reading. I was only a few chapters in and I pretty much knew I'd be reading the following five books and anticipating the release of the Seventh in about a year's time. I can't believe I waited so long. Stubborn, I am.

I have but one question: Why is the word soccer used? I mean, shouldn't they be talking about football?

And...I'm back to being without waiterrant and myspace. humph.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

sweet tea

Despite breaking a $200 camera lens, breaking a chair at a posh tea house, enduring over 35 hours on the road, and shedding more than a few tears, I have returned from "vacation".

Let the blogging commence.