Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Life: abundant and beautiful.

I'm becoming increasingly more aware that the people that are in my life make up a huge part of this "abundant life" thing. And, I LOVE it! While I've had really good friends and good people in my life for quite a long time I seem to be enjoying all this more.

The more time I spend with the people in my life the more I enjoy them. A few weeks ago I skipped "church" and instead went with my friend and her grandma to Cane Ridge. Sitting in the old log cabin and listening to Christine sing "I love thee" brought me to tears. We picnic-ed right next to old graves under the trees and at the end of the day we spent time laying in the grass enjoying the beauty of the earth. It was peace-filled and wonderful. This past weekend was an absolute blast with Kristen. We ate yummy Chicago-style pizza, listened to the amazing CSO, went shopping a lot, and got to ride on the 'L'. On the way up to Chicago we were listening to DtP. One song that always seems to draw me in is 'Perimeter of Me'.

And I want to live with wider eyes,
There's far too much to see
To think of nothing else
But where I've been and where I'll be
I've been longing for the freedom
That is waiting silently
In the life that's just beyond the small
Perimeter of me

*sigh* amazing stuff. I love Tuesday nights. My little brother visited with us. I'm not sure why but sometimes I just want to squeeze him like a big teddy bear. I miss spending time with him, even if he sometimes leaves bruises on my arm from flicking me. :-) After enjoying good company and good food Holly and I ventured up to Hamilton. I am constantly amazed by the talent that Justin and Tasha have. The time escaped us and it was time to leave far too soon. I can hardly wait til they put a new CD out so I can play it over and over. After they packed up we stopped at Steak n Shake to hang out. This was the first time I'd really ever gotten to hang out with Justin and Tasha outside of Tuesday night. It was only the second time Holly and I had hung out outside of small group. They're neat and I like them. :-)

Last night Holly made a comment about us having cool lives. I think she's right! I feel an overwhelming freedom and urgency to experience life. I might go to Chicago and enjoy the wonderfulness that is Dividing the Plunder. I might go to Europe and help people and travel around a bit with the Holly. I've been thinking more about this community living thing. Sounds like it would be very rewarding. Even if those things aren't able to happen it makes me very happy to think about them. God says, "Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious--the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse." Phillipians 4:8 (msg) I'd like to think that I'm doing that very thing. Or, umm, maybe I just really like traveling to cool places and loving people. I'm beginning to think that that is enough and even good.

Yah, life is good.


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