Friday, April 09, 2004

Why do we do the things we do

Maybe she has a point. Why pray? I got to thinking about it some and it kinda bothers me. If God is omniprescent (big Christian word for everywhere) and omnicient (another big Christian word for all-knowing) that I expect Him to be then why is it necessary that we pray for one another? How is my praying going to affect the outcome of their situation? I don't understand it. Does God say, "Well, okay Dana and 4 other people prayed for this. So, I guess it's important. Cindy can go on that trip now and that church can give her some money to fund it."

Please don't misunderstand me. I am (was?) convinced that prayer is a vital part of living in Christ. I have seen some amazing things happen as, what I thought, a result of prayer.

Anybody have any thoughts? I am probably coming off a bit more harsh than I'd like.

Crappy situation
A friend of a friend is in an abusive relationship. Finally, she has decided to get help and get out of the relationship. She planned to leave this weekend. Then, she found out she is pregnant. I have nothing against pregnancies, even unplanned ones. But, this just sucks. Even if she does decide to leave him, and I hope she does, she still has to deal with him and custody issues and child support and everything like that.

I want to go back to England
I really, really, really want to go back. There's this thing happening this summer in London called soul in the city put on by Soul Survivor UK. Basically, it is this huge outreach to the city of London. I would love to go back and participate in this and would love to meet up with old friends. I really hope it is possible. It would be the perfect opportunity to go this summer after I get laid off from work. I could do the temporary job thing for a month to fund the trip and then go. Sounds perfect, right? Yeah, I thought so too. :-)

I'm not entirely sure that I'm even looking forward to Easter. Well, I am excited about eating chocolate. It's been 44 days! Should I be mad at myself for being more excited about eating chocolate than spending time with my dad's family? I know that that isn't "Easter". Ben may be right, we've all heard it so much that it is hard to really get it. For me, Easter has never held a deep spiritual grip on my life. Now that I'm a believer, it's a little bit different. But, I still go from place to place forgetting what the whole thing was about in the first place, in all its busyness. I'm tired of feeling that way. By the end of the night I crash on my bed and think to myself, "Oh yeah, hey God, thanks for that amazing thing that you did for me" for a moment until I drift off to sleep only to start the next day with little reflection.


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