Monday, April 26, 2004

what are you doing this weekend?

my reply, "I don't know yet." Which was promptly followed by, "come up here."

crap. just when I think I'm starting to be okay with the way things are he goes and changes things. I had hoped we could still be friends and we have been able to, so far. Though, lately he has made comments about "us" and other things that make me believe he is at least thinking of getting back together. I don't know if I can really tell him "no, this won't work. not now, and probably not ever."

Even if he only wants me to visit as a friend I don't know if we're ready to do that yet. It would be extremely easy to fall back into all the cuddly-ness and all the good things of a relationship with him.

I told him we'd talk about it later. Indeed, if a visit is to happen anytime soon we need to do some serious talking and decide how to go about things. I can't stand the thought of going up there and screwing things up between us and not being able to be friends because of it.


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