Wednesday, August 26, 2009

so long summer...

I don't know how I keep forgetting that writing and reading quality books is actually healthy and necessary for me. April 23rd I bough my first home; it still seems surreal, but I'm settling in more day by day. I think I like it here. :) Izzie definitely loves it here. She pounces around and jumps from the stairs and tries to sneak into my bedroom when I'm not paying attention (but that part isn't really new). May and June flew by with work and with house stuff and obsessing and daydreaming about decorating. And boys. Yeah, the last few months have been interesting. I'm not sure how I feel about it all. I've met a few interesting characters. Every time I almost temporarily give up on the whole dating scene something/someone draws me back in. We'll see how long that lasts; I think a hiatus is in the works if the few that I'm currently chatting with fizzle out. And, July, sweet July. We celebrated my birthday. Had a fond farewell to my good friends Jen and Tobin, while I tried to completely ignore how much I would miss them. Somehow August came and has since slipped through my fingers. There were a few amazingly perfect moments in August that I will remember fondly. September is just around the corner and that means that summer is coming to a close.

So, what I'm learning about myself is that I don't let go easily. I think I've known this for quite some time, but am only just admitting to it. This mostly applies to people. Well, maybe that's not so true. Hmm. Other people label this as "change" and that "change" is actually difficult for everyone. In the ebb and flow of life and of relationships it is really difficult for me to not think about how things were when they were better, when my relationships were closer and felt more valued (is that the ebb part as opposed to the flow part?)

A guy recently asked me about the past six months of my relationship with God. I haven't replied yet (there is a legitimate reason in addition to the fact that I'm not sure he's up for the honest answer b/c that isn't something you can't sum up in a few short sentences). Tonight I went to Crossroads and the idea of the night was Remembering and Redemption. Oh, God you're funny. Yes, so I need to remember how far I've come in the last six months and know that there is redemption there for the times that I can't seem to follow through on what I know I need and instead make some unwise decisions. Brian mentioned one definition of redemption could be taking what you've given and God exchanging that for something better.

The next adventure for me (as if home purchasing and dating weren't enough) will be traveling to Mamelodi, South Africa with a few hundred other people from Crossroads in the Spring of 2010. I have thought about this for the last few years and can hardly believe that it's all coming to light. If the next six months is anything like the past six months I know that I'll be in Africa before I've even prepared myself. Because I know that keeping a written journal is a good thing and I doubt I'll actually take the time and effort to put pen to paper I'm going to go ahead and start doing this with a new blog. The first post is already up. Go on, check it out. :)

This brings me to another good point: this blog will soon be hidden from my blog list. I think I'll keep this one around because I see no reason not to. I'm not sure how often I'll post on here since I'll definitely be posting on the other one. But, I want to open up the other blog to more of a wider range of people, which shouldn't mean much except I know that sometimes it is best to be careful to have some boundaries with some people (for example: people I work with...when I have a bad day and complain about it on my blog I don't want them to be upset by that and take it personally and I still want to have the outlet to write what I'm feeling without censoring myself even more than I already do).