I’m a busy woman, just look at my calendar. The busy-ness is really starting to wear on me. I’m trying to muddle through just a bit longer, at least until I’m debt free. The opportunities to cook come few and far between. Some weeks I’ll only cook once and then I’ll have a weekend day off (a rarity, I tell ya) and do some marathon cooking with three or more dishes (other times it simply is popcorn and pizza or a sandwich). The house is in constant disarray and when I do have a few free moments I tend to completely zone out on the couch while watching bad tv for several hours. The laundry gets done sporadically (when I run out of clean clothes or towels) and the dishes pile up until I can’t stand looking at my counters being completely cluttered. I would be ashamed if anyone saw my place in the state that it is in at the moment.
Anyhow, that was all mostly to say that I really need to cook more often; for my health, my sanity, and my change purse. With inspiration from this chick, I’m going to institute a one-day-a-week crock-pot cooking day. Her goal of cooking something in the crockpot is a bit too intense for me, but I could enjoy an easy meal in the crockpot once a week without much effort added to shopping or searching for recipes. I originally thought about doing it on a specific day every week, but thought that might be a bit too restrictive with my schedule.
Join me. It’ll be fun. And, hopefully yummy.
Anyhow, that was all mostly to say that I really need to cook more often; for my health, my sanity, and my change purse. With inspiration from this chick, I’m going to institute a one-day-a-week crock-pot cooking day. Her goal of cooking something in the crockpot is a bit too intense for me, but I could enjoy an easy meal in the crockpot once a week without much effort added to shopping or searching for recipes. I originally thought about doing it on a specific day every week, but thought that might be a bit too restrictive with my schedule.
Join me. It’ll be fun. And, hopefully yummy.