Saturday, December 09, 2006

clinging to hope

"For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has?" ~romans 8:24

last weekend I spent a significant amount of time with my brother, daniel. now, what you don't know is that we probably haven't spent that much time together (peacefully) in the last year combined. to say that our relationship over the past few years has been strained would be an understatement, at least from my perspective. he isn't able to drive right now for one specific reason that i don't need to go into detail about. so, i drove him to and from mom's, to his place, to his friend's house, and then from his house and to mom's and back the following day. some serious talking happened. about life, about our family, about each other. and in those moments i could feel his love, or at the very least his care for me. and, as i write this and listen to "pieces" by ellery i can't stop the tears from flowing. i've come to accept that that's what i do sometimes. i cry. i feel. and i love. even more than that there is hope. and i'm so glad.


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