Monday, October 24, 2005

not 2004

This last Friday evening Grandma Jo and I made our way through the rain to the Art Museum to listen to Michael Wilson, a local photographer that we both have connections to, hers from the past; mine from the present. It was a pleasure to listen to Michael chat about how he got started doing what he’s doing. The exhibit was amazing, yet expectedly crowded and I left hoping to visit again when I am able to take my time and not feel forced to move to the next photograph. Grandma Jo and I headed back to her house where we ate Butter Pecan ice cream and Cheetos. We talked and laughed until late into the night and I decided I needed to get some sleep. I made it home by 2am and snuggled into my bed. (Grandma Jo’s birthday is today. If you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting her, trust me that she is a very warm, caring, and wonderful woman. Happy Birthday, Gram!)

After not nearly enough sleep I rolled out of bed excited for what the day would bring. I drove to Baker-Hunt and made my way to the darkroom. It was quiet. I had never been in that room by myself, but I was looking forward to being in control of how I spent my time. After several hours of making prints (and loving every minute of it) I decided that I really needed to stop and get some lunch. Plus, I guessed that the caretaker would eventually find that someone was using the room and would question me, even though my teacher gave me permission. I was glad that Holly called and even gladder when I returned her call and she offered lunch, the apple was not enough to sustain me. Holly has become a trusted friend and I am so glad that she is apart of my life. We are so very different, but are able to appreciate each other’s differences. I love that she gets me to talk about things that I normally don’t talk about, heavier and deeper conversation. I was excited to be able to show her some of my photos that I had just printed as some of them were pics that I had taken of her to try to figure out exposure and aperture and such. It’s a hard thing because I love that I am finally doing this for myself, but I also am very insecure about what other people think about it, especially since I don’t feel that I know what I’m doing. So, Holly thanks for being great and thanks for being willing to look at my stuff and for being supportive. I think you’re neat.

On the way home to shower and change into layer-able clothes I talked to Tim. I’m super glad that things are the way they are between us. It is good, better than I expected. I was looking forward to seeing my niece, nephew, and mom. It proved to be a difficult night to be around the kids since there was a block party going on and all they wanted to do was run around. It was a hard balance to let them have fun and do what they want and yet not end up hurt. Hugs, kisses, and smiles made up for all the difficulty. An unexpected night of Holly staying over happened and I was glad she was able to be apart of Sunday morning goodness over at the Gregory’s. It was a yummy breakfast and wonderful people that I love. After taking Holly home I drove to mom’s to spend time with MaKayla again. I walked in and she turned and smiled, that’s a good sign that she is glad to see me and is in a good mood. She was cuddly and playful. I tried to take some pictures of her looking out the window but she kept turning to face me and grin, which I didn’t mind too much. I find that I’m amazed with children more and more all the time. Actually, I think I’m amazed with people more and more all the time. I like this feeling, I want to embrace it and nourish it. She kept rubbing her eyes but didn’t want to go to sleep. So, I had her lay down with me and we took a nap together. It was the perfect day for an afternoon nap, a peaceful day, a bit rainy and cold. I managed to make it home in time to catch a few good t.v. shows, flip through a book, and cook dinner.

It was a good weekend.



Blogger theinferno said...

miss dana...

you are FAR too good to me.

thanks for always being a part of the "big" things that seem to happen more often than i could imagine...and even moreso for being always interested in the "little" things.

you are beautiful.

10/25/2005 7:07 PM  

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