Friday, September 02, 2005


When I came home from work the other night I saw a small cat and a little bitty kitten. The kitten was so freakin’ cute with its white and grey fluffy fur. I talked to my landlord last night and mentioned it and she said there are actually two kittens and a small Mama cat and she said I could keep one if I wanted.

I want one, I really do, but at the moment I’m having a hard enough time taking care of myself. I took the trash out last night and as I lifted the garbage can lid from the ground both of the kittens went scurrying. I didn’t think I’d be contemplating keeping a kitten but there is a very slim chance that I’ll be able to have a puppy/dog anytime soon and a cat is probably the next best choice (fish aren’t so affectionate somehow).

On the other hand, I remember my dog/cat sitting experiences from last summer and distinctly remember thinking that it was more time consuming than I anticipated. This weekend I’ll be taking care of my landlord’s two cats and the Gregory’s oh-so-loveable bulldog and it should give me a quick dose of reality.

In the meantime, does anyone want a kitten? :-)


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