Thursday, April 05, 2007


I’m curious to know if anyone has had the experience of one person in a relationship thinking there is some chemistry/spark and the other person thinking there really isn’t any. I’ve never really had that in my vast experience (yes, you should go ahead and laugh-that was a joke), so I’m curious to know what other people think. Maybe it’s just a timing thing. And, there’s a difference (to me, at least) between attraction and chemistry. I think that attraction can lead to chemistry, if allowed. What I’m saying is, I can be attracted to someone’s personality, to their characteristics, but at the same time not want to jump their bones. Know what I’m sayin’? Which, I wonder, if this isn’t the best way to determine or find a mate.

Obviously no answer is required unless you feel like sharing your insight. This is more me thinking out loud (or via words on a computer). I’m not actually saying anything out loud just so you know.


Blogger ben said...

I like jordin sparks -- does that count?

4/07/2007 4:25 AM  
Blogger um... yeah... said...

ooh yeah! she's awesome! wtg ben!

4/07/2007 11:15 PM  
Blogger dana said...

I like jorin sparks too. somehow, I don't think it's the same way that you like her. :)

4/10/2007 12:53 PM  

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